Leather Ambassdor
Our Leather Artisans
Suti Sana
SutiSana was founded in 2010 as a freedom business, which exists to fight human trafficking or commercial exploitation. By providing dignified employment in a just and thriving business, SutiSana offers a new and abundant life for women leaving sexual exploitation in Bolivia
While visiting the red light district in El Alto, Bolivia, one of the women we’d befriended expressed that she felt trapped by the lack of employment opportunities. She confronted us one day: “When are you going to give me a job?” SutiSana was founded in 2010 for that friend and so many women like her. We exist as a freedom business that fights trafficking and sexual exploitation by offering new and abundant life for our artisans.
Website: https://sutisana.com/pages/our-story-1
MIssion Lazarus
In 2001 Jarrod Brown and Juan Flores, armed with a Bible and equipped with an old Toyota truck, began venturing into the isolated remote mountains outside of Choluteca, Honduras. They were on a mission, to build relationships and share Jesus through those relationships. Neither of them ever imagined how God would tend to the seeds that they were planting over 20 years ago.
This amazing adventure that we call Mission Lazarus all started through a desire to do more than simply help someone. The journey that Jarrod and Juan embarked on would change their lives, and many other lives, for eternity. At the time they were unaware that this journey would end up being the catalyst for a complete transformation of not only their perspectives but those of countless others as well. Ever since the beginning our approach has been to live and do life with people and communities. It is through these close relationships in remote villages that specific struggles are identified and strategic programs developed to provide solutions, rather than simply treating symptoms. This does not happen by simply serving them, rather it is through serving alongside them that we have been able to appreciate each community's struggles as well their aspirations.
In 2011, building on a track record of proven results we expanded into Haiti. After receiving our legal status approval by the Haitian government we began to execute on an education program that would be unique to Northwest, Haiti. Today the Academie Lazare continues to grow with over 250 students currently enrolled.
In both Honduras and Haiti we approach ministry through a holistic view of community development that focuses on 4 key areas, education, health, economic development, and spiritual development. Today, some 20 years since Jarrod and Juan first ventured into the mountains together, over 100,000 people have been touched with the Good New of Christ. And our team of two has grown to more than 120! Now more than ever Mission Lazarus is Bringing Eternal Worth to Light.
Website: https://www.missionlazarus.org/about/model
Founded with the mission of bringing real hope and lasting change to impoverished places by creating jobs, JOYN's success has changed an entire city in India.
Website: https://www.joynbags.com/