Jewelry Ambassador

Some of Our Jewelry Artisans
Amani ya Juu
-Sewing ministry in Kenya
-Started the whole Fair Trade world for Ron and Mary Nelson
-We lived next door to Amani during the year we were in Kenya
-The ladies that work there are from all different African countries (not just Kenya)
-Distinctly Christian; the women don’t have to be Christians when they get hired but usually come to
know the Lord
-Been selling for Amani for 16 years now
Purpose Jewelry
-Through four core components: income, education, healthcare and community –
survivors learn to embrace their true identity and worth after coming out of human trafficking.
-They work in India,
Mexico, Uganda and Asia
Coquettes Armoire
-Jewelry items made out of different grasses
-A missionary child grew up in Honduras and has started this ministry-
-The woman who started the ministry is a friend of Mary’s and Daniel Barkdoll
-She’s on Facebook under Coquettes Armoire
Fair Anita
-A young woman from the USA experienced a horrible traumatic rape and she recovered to then start the nonprofit Fair Anita
-Women are women coming out of traumatic sexual experiences
-Jewelry made in Peru
-Fair Anita name comes out of the original founder in Peru (Anita) and the woman from the USA (Joy McBrien)
Dignity Designs
-Located in Kenya
-Made by moms of kids experiencing disability
-Founded by an embassy worker (from the USA) who gave birth to a child with cerebral palsy
-She wanted the parents of kids experiencing a disability (in Kenya) to get the help she did so she started Dignity Designs
World Finds
-In 1999 Kelly Weinberger and her husband David set out to travel the world and then fell in love with the idea
of fair-trade and started World Finds
-They are located in Katmandu, Nepal
Sasa Designs
-They are located in Kenya
-All the jewelry made is by women that are deaf
-Started in 2011 by Megan McDonald, a young woman from the USA
-Unemployment rate for women that are deaf, in Kenya is 85%